Stormwater Education
This webpage is designed to support lessons and activities in the SLCo Stormwater Coalition Stormwater Curriculum. The curriculum is aligned with the Utah Science with Engineering Education (SEEd) Standards to teach 6th graders (or youth approximately 10-13 years of age) about stormwater, its impact on systems, the environment and humans, and how to prevent water pollution. The curriculum may be used by teachers, environmental educators, afterschool personnel, municipal staff, community volunteers, and others. The links on this page are provided for easy access of sources and resources needed to deliver the lesson plans in the curriculum. SLCo Stormwater Coalition acknowledges and appreciates the Utah Society for Environmental Education for the development of this curriculum.
Stormwater Curriculum Lesson Resources
Lesson 1: Understanding Stormwater
Additional resources for Lesson 1: Understanding Stormwater
Lesson 2: We All Live in a Watershed
Find your watershed (Utah)
Lesson 3: What’s in the Water? Learning about Water Quality
Lesson 4:
Site Inventory Template (EPA)
Stormwater Walk- Site Inventory (University of Nebraska- Lincoln)
Auxiliary Activities:
Stunning underwater video of polluted runoff in Puget Sound
Droplet’s Ride Down the Jordan River Watershed As stormwater flows along the watershed, stormwater becomes polluted. The polluted stormwater can be dangerous to wildlife impact the environment, and can be harmful to human health. While commercial and industrial facilities contribute to water pollution, the largest portion of the problem comes from our collective, individual actions as residents and homeowners. But, there are several things we can do to prevent stormwater pollution. If we all do a little, it will help a lot! We all live downstream!
Visit Utah Society for Environmental Education to learn more about how you can get involved in environmental education initiatives in your community.