Adopt a storm drain-pick up trash sm.jpeg

Adopt a Storm Drain is a program aimed at protecting streams, wetlands, the Jordan River, Great Salt Lake and Utah Lake. Across Salt Lake County, residents are invited to “adopt” a storm drain by committing to keep it clear of leaves, trash, and other debris. The simple act of sweeping up around a storm drain protects our shared waterways by preventing pollution from entering through the untreated storm drain system.


Municipal Adopt A Storm Drain Programs:

South Salt Lake-


Successful Adopt a storm Drain campaign components:

Check out the Wisconsin Adopt A Storm Drain Website:

Check out the Wisconsin Adopt A Storm Drain Website:

Check out the Riverside Adopt A Drain Program PSA.


Love Your Watershed: The Jordan River & the National Day of Service (Credit: Royce Bair)


Adopt A Storm Drain 2022- Berkley, CA

Adopt Your Drain- Wisconsin interactive Map

Adopt Your Drain- Wisconsin interactive Map