Stormwater PSA’s
E.coli PSA- KUTV Lifestyle Host, Kari Hawker-Diaz (10 seconds)
KUTV Lifestyle Host PSA- Petwaste- (10 seconds)
2023 PSA - KUTV Fresh Living Host, Kari Hawker-Diaz gives tips for keeping stormwater clean (30 Seconds)
KUTV Fresh Living Host, Kari Hawker-Diaz helps us to know that everything that flows down the storm drains heads, untreated, straight to our waterways.
Sterling Paulson, KUTV Meteorologist helps us to know 5 actions we can all take to prevent stormwater pollution.
KUTV Meteorologist, Chase Thomason - PSA- Keep storm drains clean (30 seconds)
KUTV Meteorologist, Sterling Paulson, reminds us to use fertilizer sparingly, if at all. Any fertilizer not absorbed by plants leaches through the soil, as nutrient pollution, into our waterways.
KUTV Meteorologist, Chase Thomason and his 4 legged friend, Francis, remind us to scoop and trash pet waste—every time!
KUTV Meteorologist, Chase Thomason PSA- E.coli (10 seconds)
Stormwater Coalition TV appearances
It takes a just a few minutes to learn more about stormwater and how to keep it clean! KUTV Fresh Living + SLCo Stormwater Coalition's Josh Mikel team up to show you how.
Salt Lake County Stormwater Coalition created several popular Public Service Ads including this 2010 classic, “Everything that goes down our storm drains ends up in our lakes and rivers—everything!”
Managing Stormwater at Home takes a quick look at 5 simple things you can do to prevent stormwater pollution. Everyone can help a little in order to collectively make a big difference! We all live downstream!
In this audience favorite, a man emerges from a storm drain to “return” the grass, soapy water and plastic bottle washed down the driveway, into the gutter.
Take a ride through the stormwdrain from the perspective of two fish! Could You Live With Everything You Put Down The Stormdrain? Remember, We All Live Downstream!
KUTV Meteorologist, Jill Margetts, reminds us that trash clogs storm drains and carries bacteria and oils into our waterways.
Leaves and Grass Clippings carry excess nitrogen and phosphorus into our waterways, causing eutrophication and harmful algae blooms
10 second PSA! Salt Lake County Stormwater Coalition believe that "We All Live Downstream" meaning that we each have the opportunity to participate in keeping the water tha...
The 2019 SLCo Stormwater Coalition TV ad poses the question: If we could see stormwater pollution, like we can see rubber ducks in water, might we recognize the “big deal” that is stormwater pollution?
2019 Video featuring Salt Lake County Stormwater Coalition efforts through the years, “Stormwater: Then and Now”
Everything that goes into the storm drains flows —untreated— via stormwater runoff into the waterways of Salt Lake County, "We All Live Downstream"
Stormwater Public Education/Training Videos
Everyone Can Prevent Stormwater Pollution. Droplet is back, along with his friends Anne and Henry to teach students and adults about how stormwater can be polluted as it moves through a watershed. They also show you what you can do to prevent pollution. Salt Lake County Stormwater Coalition members believe that "We All Live Downstream" meaning that we each have the opportunity to participate in keeping the water that goes down the storm drain free from grass clippings, fertilizers, trash, pet waste, and other foreign objects. Only rain should go down the storm drain.
For Public Education: Stormwater Overview- Illegal Discharge and Dumping -5 minutes
Stormwater runs off roofs and driveways into the street. Runoff picks up fertilizer, oil, pesticides, dirt, bacteria and other pollutants as it makes its way through storm drains and ditches - untreated - to our streams, rivers, lakes and the ocean. Polluted runoff is one of the greatest threats to clean water in the U.S.
For Public Education: Stormwater Illegal Discharge and Dumping -13 minutes (English)
Droplet’s Ride Down the Jordan River Watershed As stormwater flows along the watershed, stormwater becomes polluted. The polluted stormwater can be dangerous to wildlife impact the environment, and can be harmful to human health. While commercial and industrial facilities contribute to water pollution, the largest portion of the problem comes from our collective, individual actions as residents and homeowners. But, there are several things we can do to prevent stormwater pollution. If we all do a little, it will help a lot! We all live downstream!
Salt Lake County Stormwater Coalition presents A Ride Down the Storm Drain. This 8-minute video shows the stormwater process from beginning to end.
For Public Education: Stormwater Illegal Discharge and Dumping -13 minutes (Spanish)
From Vancouver BC—On the way to storm sewers, urban rain and runoff picks up pollution like oil on the road, pesticides, dog poop, and garbage, which can wind up in our waters and harm our aquatic life. But there are things you can do to help.