Nutrient Pollution Impacts All of Us
Nutrient pollution, which occurs from an excess of nitrogen and phosphorus in the environment, is a growing problem. This pollution impacts people's health, our environment, opportunities for recreation, and tourism. Nutrient pollution comes from farms, city streets, sewage treatment plants, pet waste, and faulty septic systems. This video aims to build public awareness which is the first step in preventing and reducing nutrient pollution. For more information about Nutrient Pollution visit:
On the topic of stormwater, nutrients most often refer to nitrogen and phosphorus which occur naturally in nearly all environments and ecosystems and are critical to the growth and health of plant species.
Fertilizers are used to increase nitrogen and phosphorus levels on your lawn, in your garden, or in agricultural production. But, when levels of these nutrients become too high, due to excess fertilizing or waste entering streams, they can have detrimental effects on water quality and stream ecosystems. This causes eutrophication. Because of this, reducing nitrogen and phosphorus (along with fine sediments) are the main targets in the discussion of how to improve water quality. In Utah, nutrient enrichment is a big problem in streams, ponds, rivers and lakes. In simple terms, eutrophication is a vicious chain reaction:
Extra nitrogen and phosphorus expedites the growth of phytoplankton and algae growth in a water body, known as an algae “bloom”
The “bloom” overtakes other natural plant species and interferes with fish and micro-organism habitats
The “bloom” can accelerate the growth of invasive species and reduce biodiversity. The “bloom” uses the temporarily available nutrients and then dies off
The dead algae sinks to the bottom of water bodies and undergoes decomposition
Bacteria in decomposition converts the previously used nutrients into inorganic forms, which are toxic to humans, fish, and wildlife
Decomposition also use great amounts of dissolved oxygen, which in turn, suffocates and kills fish and organisms in water bodies
Decomposition will cloud the water and, in some cases, induce foul smelling odorSubstantial human additions to nitrogen and phosphorus levels in water bodies can turn once-vibrant ecosystems into toxic dead zones.
Consider the potential and lasting effects when fertilizing your lawn or garden. Consider using native plants, which require minimal amounts of artificial fertilizer.
The Jordan River is a relatively short river, approximately 51 miles long, originating at Utah Lake and flowing north to terminate in wetlands that eventually discharge to the Great Salt Lake. The topography within the Jordan River watershed contributes to a very complex precipitation pattern with great variability in amounts and timing of flows. Although Utah Lake is the single largest source of flows to the Jordan River, much of this water is diverted within a few miles for agricultural and municipal use. The lower Jordan River begins downstream of the largest diversion, the Surplus Canal, which redirects up to 90 percent of the flow from the Jordan River directly to the Great Salt Lake to protect neighborhoods and developments from flooding.